Since its publication in 1998, A Manual of Acupuncture has rapidly become the standard acupuncture point book for students and practitioners throughout the English-speaking world.
With detailed exposition of the names, locations, indications and actions of every point, it is characterised by hundreds of beautiful and anatomically exacting illustrations (one for every point), lengthy commentaries on the points, numerous point combinations drawn from classical texts and comprehensive indexes.
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“If Chinese medicine is a treasure house, this book is a large treasure chest overflowing with glittering jewels. The clarity of the illustrations is particularly striking. Authoritative, thoroughly researched, and filled with detailed information of great clinical value, this is a 'must-have' book for students and practitioners alike".
"This is an indispensible book for any acupuncturist's library and clinic, an incredible source of knowledge, user-friendly, clear and free from obscurity. From student to practitioner to teacher, this is a book to grow with."
"I love your book. It has everything a College Principal would want in recommending a text. For students it will become their ultimate reference manual that will last them their working lives. Your new book really is an outstanding contribution to the field of Chinese medicine. Its level of scholarship is exceptionally high with very full referencing of sources. It is a fantastic book".
"Finally! It's about time this book was published! For 25 years I've been dancing among French, English, American and Anglo-Chinese compilations of the functions and indications of the points. No single source, nor combination of sources, can match the thoroughness of A Manual of Acupuncture. My teaching has suddenly been made easier".
"The most scholarly, complete and detailed book on points to date; a must for any student and practitioner. The definitive and most authoritative book on points in the English language".
"The scope and depth of this book, together with its truly wonderful illustrations, make it a 'must have' for any student or practitioner who is serious about the study of acupuncture".